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Making the most of your coaching journey

If you’ve recently started working with me, or are thinking of doing so, I expect you’ll be keen to make the most of our time working together. Whilst the one-to-one sessions we have are a big part of your coaching journey, the most important work will be done by you outside of these sessions, as this is where the changes will take place. In this blog post, I’m going to talk about some of the things you can do in-between sessions to support yourself, to ensure you get the most out of coaching and achieve your health and wellbeing goals.

Thoughtful woman with coffee reflecting on personal growth during a coaching session

Record your takeaways from each session

When you sign up for a coaching package, you’ll receive an e-book which is designed to support the work we do together. Within this, there are reflective pages for you to use, where you can jot down any thoughts or key nuggets of insight you might have gleamed during each of your coaching sessions. This might be things you’ve identified that have been preventing you from achieving your weekly goals, things you’d like to do in the coming weeks to better support yourself, or tools and resources we’ve discussed that you’d like to look into. Whatever it is, it’s useful to keep a record, so you can look back over it and remember what the important takeaways were from each session.

Be reflective

At the end of each day or week, take some time to reflect on your progress and how you feel you’ve been getting on. What’s gone well or what have you found really challenging? Having a clear idea of what’s working for you, or what’s not, is really helpful and bringing those reflections to your coaching sessions provides us with a really good jumping off point from which we can start to think about different ways to support your progress going forwards.

Reach out to me

In addition to your regular coaching sessions, I offer ongoing support via email. It’s likely that there will be times when your motivation starts to wane (you’re only human after all) or you might have a question about something we’ve discussed together. Whatever it is, reach out and allow me to support you. There’s no need to struggle on your own. Make the most of what I can offer you and know that I'm there by your side throughout your coaching journey, even when you’re not seeing me in-session.

Remember your 'reason why'

If you’re motivated to make healthy changes in your life, there will be a reason why you want to do this. It might be because you want to support your baby’s development, or it could be that you want to enhance your own health and wellbeing… it might be both or it could be something else entirely. Everyone’s ‘reason why’ is unique to them and every reason is valid. What can be really helpful is to write down this reason somewhere, such as in your journal or on your phone. Then, if you have a hard day or feel like you’re lacking motivation at any point, you can look back at your reason and remind yourself why it is you’re making the effort to make these particular changes.

Be honest

When you do come along to your sessions, it’s really important to be honest about how you’ve been getting on. It can sometimes be tempting to want to portray yourself as the ‘perfect client’, but this won’t necessarily help you in the long run. Making lifestyle changes isn’t always smooth sailing, and I understand this. There could be any number of reasons why you might have found yourself struggling and being honest about this helps me better understand how to support you. Similarly, if something isn’t working for you during our sessions, or if there’s something else you need from me as your coach, it’s really valuable for me to know this, so speak up and let me know what I can do to ensure you get the most out of our time working together. Remember that your sessions are a safe space and that there’s absolutely no judgement, no matter what you tell me.


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